Thursday, April 29, 2010

Horace Contemplates an Invitation

To celebrate the August arrival of Latin I at Truett-McConnell College, here is an easy passage for translation from the Wheelock:

Maecenas et Vergilius me hodie vocant. Quid cogitare debeo?  Quid debeo respondere?  Si erro, me saepe monent et culpant; si non erro, me laudant.  Quid hodie cogitare debeo?

Horace was a poet and satirist of the Augustan Age. He counted among his contemporaties none other than Vergil himself.  Maecenas was a wealthy Roman soldier and statesman who used him resources to patronize the arts.  He kept his home open for scholars and poets.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Most Important Day In History