Friday, December 3, 2010


History has long been a field dominated by those with a liberal agenda. In my years in graduate school, Marxist historians, women's history and "social history" began to replace traditional approaches. But it wasn't enough to ignore George Washington and the great battles that secured our independence and later our freedom. Historians have taken their desire to prove how liberal they are to a new low.  In today's typical college history textbook, America is chastised for her greatness, and authors are apologetic for her successes.  Recently, as I read through a section regarding American expansion in the years preceding the Civil War, I was appalled to note how the author of this text "trashed" John L. O'Sullivan's phrase, "Manifest Destiny." He labeled this belief that God had given us the land as "arrogance" that troubled American diplomatic policies from that point forward. Oh my! Needless to say, we do not use this text in our classes. 

I shared with my husband that I feel as obsolete as a card catalog in a library today. (I love the old card catalog and shelf list system, by the way). I sometimes feel my values are not traditional, but arcane compared to the current social mileu of our nation and to the mood of academics.  But I refuse to change! Instead, I will teach my students the greatness as well as the flaws within our country's past and present.  I will challenge them to repatriate--to once again be proud to be proud of our nation!  The United States has enjoyed some of God's greatest blessings, and it is time we return to Him in thankfulness.


Lynda said...

God deserves our thanks every minute of every day and those who do not believe God is responsible for the founding of our great nation need our prayers. As teachers, we are held accountable to a higher standard than 'lay people'. Praise God you recognize that and continue to teach what we know is right. We need to pray that there will always be those who recognize our true foundations and aren't afraid to proclaim them.

At Home Together said...

Thank you! I am very blessed to teach at a Christian College where we are encouraged to proclaim the Gospel!

Patsy said...

As our World War II veterans leave this world and their children I am sure freedon and God will be forced out of this once great nation.
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