Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thomas a' Becket

Yesterday in the History of England class, we were able to talk about King Henry II and his once-friend, Thomas Becket.  The story of these two great men ended so tragically--the death of one brought about by careless angry words of another.  Becket's death and the King's determination to be free from the authority of the Church certainly foreshadows future events, doesn't it? What is it about these Kings named Henry?


Patsy said...

I just read your last two post and so glad to have found you. I have just read the book (The Light and the Glory )by Peter Marshall and David Manuel. What an eye opener to America's founding. I guess I just want to know there are other people that love the Lord and the history of our America.

At Home Together said...

Thank You, Patsy. History is a very liberal profession, and I am so grateful to teach at a College that has a Christian world view.

Lauren Webb Kelley said...

Kings named Henry, in my growing knowledge, have mostly been no good.

I wish I was taking your History of England class, this sounds interesting :/

Anonymous said...

It has been really interesting!!! I wish you were in the class to...the teacher is awesome!!! :)