Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A New Readings Course

Last summer, we had great success with the readings course in Espionage of the World War II era. This summer, we will examine the Pacific Theater of the War. I have to say that I have been planning the course for some time and had no idea that HBO was about to release a series on this subject. I am concerned about the controversy that is swirling up about this particular series, but I want to find out more before I comment further. Having said all of this, I am truly excited to be able to lead this course in June. This is another "readings course" (I will give the book list in another post),
but it should really be called a readings and writing course because we'll be doing so much writing! Last summer, with each assigned book, the students had to complete a different historigraphical writing exercise. We used fascinating subject matter not only to increase knowledge of the era, but to enhance writing and analytical skills as well. I hope this course proves to be as successful. Stay tuned for the reading list.


Patsy said...

So glad you are teaching this to students ,the writing will just enhance the learning.

At Home Together said...

Yes, the old "tried and true" writing across the curriculum works on many levels! Thanks for the encouragement.