Saturday, July 4, 2009

In July 1776, Thomas Jefferson, along with some of the most notable names of the Revolutionary era, penned what amounted to a declaration of treason against King George and Parliament and a declaration of war against the English people. However, Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, et al, did not see their actions in this light.

Borrowing heavily from the ideas of Enlightenment thinker John Locke, Jefferson asserted the idea that England had given us no choice but to overthrow their rule in the colonies. England and her King, through a "long train of abuses" had deprived us of our inalienable rights, granted to us by our Creator--the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

While I cherish this document and revel in the benefits of our Nation's freedoms, so valiantly fought for and defended these last 233 years, I do take issue with the notion that these are rights.

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are gifts given to us by our Creator. Scripture is replete with promises from God, but we are not promised political freedoms. He has seen fit to give these to us, but what have we done with them? Our freedom of religion has turned into freedom from religion. Our freedom of speech has been used to justify the burning of our beautiful flag (Texas v. Johnson), but if someone wants to pray aloud at a high school football game, the threat of law suits looms, and we have to settle for a "moment of silence."

What have we done with these rights, fellow Americans? Have we made the most of what God has given us or have we turned over these gifts to the "prince of the air"? On this special day of our Nation's history, thank God for what He has granted us and resolve to defend those gifts for the advancement of His Kingdom.