Monday, December 7, 2009

Pearl Harbor

Today marks the 68th Anniversary of the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor. FDR correctly prophesied that this date would "live in infamy." That generation could no doubt tell us the exact circumstances in which they heard the news just as my parents could tell you what they were doing when President Kennedy died and I can tell you where I was when the horror of 9/11 began to unfold.
These tragic "bookmarks" of our past serve as reminders not only of these terrible events, but also remind us that America has withstood the evil attacks meant to bring her  to her knees.  Ironically, the best of America's character emerged in response to these events.
  Our worst enemies have never been from without--they are inside our own borders--those who tirelessly work to tear down the moral fiber of our nation.  No prayer in school, abortion on demand, partial-birth abortion, stem cell research using cells from embyros--these are the enemies, cloaked in claims of Lockean civil rights, that will bring an end to our culture and our country.


Heather said...

I was thinking of Pearl Harbor on Monday. I had the honor of meeting a gentleman that was involved with the actual event. He didn't talk about the war much. I have asked my Grandmother about it as she was 19 at the time and just married to my Grandfather. My Dad was born in 1941 as well so I always remembered what year Pearl Harbor happened because of that.